Removing a late payment entry from your credit report, especially if you do not have several late payment markings on the same credit account, is not that hard. You can always negotiate your way into the removal of the late payment record on your credit report. Here are three different methods you can certainly try to delete the late payment marks from your credit report:
1. Request a goodwill adjustment from the first loaner.
One of the simplest ways to get rid of late payment from your credit report is to request a goodwill adjustment from your original loaner. Goodwill adjustment is a practice of adjusting your credit report marking from "late" to "current." Requesting goodwill adjustments from the creditors is somewhat easier if your payment records prior to the late payment are all in all acceptable.
2. Work out a late payment removal by signing up for automatic payment service.
Another technique that you can use to wipe off that late payment entry from that credit account is to register for automatic payment services. Many creditors will help you eliminate all the late payment markings on your credit report only if you support their automatic payment service. The compromise is actually a win-win situation: the loaner will get your credit payments on time and you will accomplish your financial obligations on schedule.
3. Submit a formal claim declaring that the late payment marking is inaccurate.
Disputing the imprecision of the details of your credit history is also a useful way to get rid of the late payment entry on your credit account. Loaners, thanks to the overwhelming number of credit records they deal with every day, have the tendency to have a difficult time affirming the entries on your credit account. In the event that the creditors fail to affirm the accurateness of the late payment record, then that bad mark in your credit report will be removed.
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